S.A.N.T.A. is about spreading hope and joy through random acts of kindness.
We also hope that the people we assist will pass on hope and joy to others.

There are seven pillars of action involving S.A.N.T.A. operations.
Random Acts of Kindness
- Assisted families with back-to-school shopping
- Provided a washing machine for a family
- Paid for dinner for a young couple expecting a child
- Assisted elderly neighbors with snow removal
- Assisted a family whose house burned down
- Provided clothing and Christmas gifts to a family who experienced a job loss due to the pandemic
- Provided bicycles for two children for Christmas
- Paid for dinner for a random family
- Provided groceries, clothes and blankets to a grandma with three young grandchildren
- Provided groceries to three random families
Food Assistance
- Assisted multiple families with groceries
- Provided food gift cards to travelers
- Assisted with lunches for the homeless
Transportation and Vehicle Assistance
- Assisted multiple families with repairs to their vehicles
- Provided a tank of gas to a family
- Assisted a grandparent raising grandchildren by paying off a vehicle repair bill
- Assisted a stranded motorist and paid for a flat repair
- Assisted someone on the highway with car trouble
Housing and Energy Assistance
- Assisted three families struggling to pay their power bills
- Paid the deposit on a house rental for a young couple
Medical Assistance
- Assisted two families with medical expenses
- Paid off a medical bill, so a person could continue receiving treatment
Connecting with Churches
- Partnered with a local church to provide clothing and gifts for a family at the holidays
Connecting with Community Services
- Partnered with Mining City Christmas for four years to provide food, clothing, and gifts to multiple families at the holiday
- Received Town Pump’s Adopt a Family grant for four years to provide food, clothing, and gifts to multiple families at the holidays
- Supported a Special Olympics Montana athlete competing in the World Winter Games with outdoor and travel items
- Donated large amounts of clothing and furniture to two local agencies for distribution