
S.A.N.T.A. is about spreading hope and joy through random acts of kindness.

  • Assisted families with back-to-school shopping
  • Provided a washing machine for a family
  • Paid for dinner for a young couple expecting a child
  • Assisted elderly neighbors with snow removal
  • Assisted a family whose house burned down
  • Provided clothing and Christmas gifts to a family who experienced a job loss due to the pandemic
  • Provided bicycles for two children for Christmas
  • Paid for dinner for a random family
  • Provided groceries, clothes and blankets to a grandma with three young grandchildren
  • Provided groceries to three random families
  • Assisted multiple families with groceries
  • Provided food gift cards to travelers
  • Assisted with lunches for the homeless
  • Assisted multiple families with repairs to their vehicles
  • Provided a tank of gas to a family
  • Assisted a grandparent raising grandchildren by paying off a vehicle repair bill
  • Assisted a stranded motorist and paid for a flat repair
  • Assisted someone on the highway with car trouble
  • Assisted three families struggling to pay their power bills
  • Paid the deposit on a house rental for a young couple
  • Assisted two families with medical expenses
  • Paid off a medical bill, so a person could continue receiving treatment
  • Partnered with a local church to provide clothing and gifts for a family at the holidays
  • Partnered with Mining City Christmas for four years to provide food, clothing, and gifts to multiple families at the holiday
  • Received Town Pump’s Adopt a Family grant for four years to provide food, clothing, and gifts to multiple families at the holidays
  • Supported a Special Olympics Montana athlete competing in the World Winter Games with outdoor and travel items
  • Donated large amounts of clothing and furniture to two local agencies for distribution

Promoting hope and joy through random acts of kindness.

© 2023  SEE A NEED TAKE ACTION S.A.N.T.A. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization